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Basel, Switzerland

A little about me…

Hi! I was born and raised in the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, West Africa until I was 16. Then I moved to Springfield, Missouri and have stayed here to pursue an education at Missouri State University. I am currently a senior BFA Acting and BS French major with certificates in Acting on Camera and French Language Translations and Professions!

I have been fortunate enough to live and travel around the world. I am thankful to have gone to a few countries in Europe and Africa and have family spread throughout the United States. The places I’ve lived has made me who I am today, and I am beyond blessed to have had those opportunities. Summer of 2023, I spent in Strasbourg, France with a study abroad program and visited my family in Senegal, West Africa!

Movies are my passion, and you typically can find me looking for a good recommendation! My favorite place is by the ocean, and I love playing pickleball with my boyfriend and friends. I love working out with my boyfriend (who is also a personal trainer big plus!) and trying new foods! Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are always close by, and I love finding new challenging gluten-free things to bake!

  • "I don't want other people to decide who I am. I want to decide that for myself."

    • Emma Watson